MAKR151- Laser cut tabletop console

MAKR151- Laser cut tabletop console

I have wanted a recliner for a while and finally got one. The console feature still seemed appealing, but I didn’t want a large recliner.

I have a small table next to the recliner and I have been slowly hacking it to meet my needs. I need a cup holder to prevent me from spilling my drinks. Coffee mugs just do not fit into a normal cupholder, so I needed something to keep my coffee from getting spilt. I put some things on top of a wooden box and made a little kludge to do what I wanted. Because the wooden box had some space it was also good enough to serve as mini storage. It works okay, but it sure was ugly! Below you can see the first ugly, but useful setup, the box that supports it all, the IKEA tray that will become part of the project, and the last photo is what the tray looked like once I cut it.

I had some issues with this project. I am new to the laser cutter and it didn’t occur to me that the laser head would not clear the top of the frame surrounding the tray. The laser stopped as soon as it got to my tray. I took it into the work area and removed the frame with a chisel. Once that was done, the laser cutter cut my pieces beautifully.

I used an empty frosting can to give my water glass more support. I cut doors to cover the miscellaneous small items stored inside the box. I glued popsicle sticks under the doors to keep them from falling into the box and glued the frame back onto the tray.

I like my console table better than a regular console because it has a solid flat surface. My glasses fit well on top. I am using a coaster holder to keep my coffee mug in place. I may be replacing that once I am trained on the 3D printer. I already have the mug coaster-holder file ready to print.

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Linda Sabella

MAKR 140-Spring 2024-Tuesday

MAKR 151-Spring 2024